Why the act of procreation is actually selfish and quite possibly, SADISTIC
How many times have we been called selfish for being a carefree childfree person? Little do they realise, reproducing is a selfish act. Ask anyone why they had kids and their answer almost always starts with ‘I wanted…’ Trying to mould a ‘mini-me’ version of yourself without any care for your child’s individualism, uniqueness and preferences is toxic, even abusive to the your child.
The sadism in reproduction
I will go one step further to even suggest that having kids is an act of sadism. I have a perfect period cycle, no health conditions and yet, I choose not to have kids. Now I’m waiting for the rest to say that I hate kids. Nope. I actually love them and that is why I cannot bring a new life into a world where I cannot guarantee painlessness, lifelong happiness and pleasure forever. Therefore, isn’t having kids in a world of pain, abuse, misery, tough luck, bleak chances subject to your existence lottery tantamount sadism?
No parent can really instruct their child how to have a successful life of contentment in a fast-changing world. Any attempt to control and manipulate a child’s life makes you an abusive parent. In this world, environmental, economical and political problems that only seem to be increasing with time giving rise to a probable dystopia. That leaves young lives to to fend for themselves in this cruel world of chance. Every birth exposes someone to potential suffering without their consent. In any other case, this would be considered wrong.
Many parents underestimate the role of luck and destiny in life. Many parents are well playing Russian roulette with their kids’ lives. Is it moral to leave your offspring’s life to chance and fate? Everyone is wired differently with a unique set of problems. There is no one size fits all solution that helps every child.
There are also parents who procreate to “save their marriage”, or “find meaning in life”. Such parents are experimenting with a new life to make up for their own pathetic existence are toying with danger to bring more misery into this toxic planet through an even more miserable child. To protect my unborn children because I actually love and care for my ‘mini-mes’, I choose not to bring them into this world of pain and suffering, not to mention a dying planet.
The importance of Antinatalism education
Antinatalism can be advocated peacefully through education and not through government dictatorships like how conservative groups imagine.
Regardless of how good a parent you are, the process of exposing someone to an experience that no one has no way of knowing how bad or good it is gonna be, without their consent, is selfish. Since it is impossible to acquire consent from an unborn person, procreation is unethical.
Every soul has to go through the hardships and struggles they did not ask for simply because they were brought into this world by people without much thought.
This blog is written to educate adults who are able to conceive on the sadist nature and danger of having kids, unbeknownst to prospective parents. I am bringing to you a new perspective that the future may be bleak. It might even lead to a possible dystopia which you might not wish to commit the crime of subjecting your offspring to.
Motherhood is thought to be a selfless job. But is it really?
Looking at it from a humanitarian scale, it is only for those who are selfish enough to prioritise their young and no one else.
Whatever happens to others’ mothers’ kids, animals, murders, assault, rape, bullying is fine for all mothers — as long as it does not happen to their kids. They would happily kill the dog that bit their kid.
Mothers are highly incapable of empathy. They only empathise with their own kid — no one else’s.
Motherhood is not for the altruistic and that is why it is not for me. I’m just not selfish enough.