Why is anti-natalism unpopular?
So my posts have been getting many claps and they are being shout-out by facebook pages and people. And I have been trying to find images for my posts on google and all I find are memes dissing anti-natalists. I am bracing myself for the hate mail.
I have written an entire essay in my previous post on how anti-natalism is being equated with eugenics and genocide by conformists. How completely ridiculous to put me in the same category as Adolf Hitler. I am a vegan who has volunteered for the Red Cross and Animal welfare groups.
I am not asking for support from people lacking in empathy. For every child-free person, there is hundreds who have multiple offspring. Human extinction is a hypothetical scenario that will not come to play unless the sun dies out or in the case of a nuclear war. We are not dying out for another million years. So chill.
The least you can do is to be support individualism and an individual’s choices. You do not have to be an animal to be for animal rights. You do not have to be a member of the LGBTQ community to be for LGBTQ rights. You do not have to be a refugee to be anti-war. You do not have to be an anti-natalist to be pro-choice.
Furthermore, most of the arguments for having children does not apply to me. I have beaten death twice with H1N1 Swine flu and Pneumonia. I do not fear death nor dying alone. There is no guarantee that your kids will be there for you when you are about to die. Everyone dies alone and the old age homes are running full because the kids DGAF. Instead, save your money for emergency care.
I have been mansplained to by men who called me a child-hater or a woman with low pain threshold for childbirth. Neither of which are true. I love children too much is precisely why I do not wish to bring them into this terrifying existence. When I have survived death twice, pain is nothing to me. I would rather adopt a child if I had the means. But this concept is hard to grasp for men whose minds are still in the stone age.
People have more than one kid because one child may be lost, or fall out with the parent. Are they not being selfish? Having kids does not guarantee that they will be there for you or should. No amount of guilt-tripping or child-shaming will change that fact.