What are men’s rights activists fighting for?
Feminists are fighting the following:
- Fighting rape, gang rapes and sexual assault
- Fighting for women’s education
- Fighting against female infanticide
- Fighting dowry harassment
- Fighting sexual harassment at workplace
- Fighting for equal pay
- Fighting against child marriages
- Fighting against honour killings
- Fighting against acid attacks and other forms of vengeance sought by men
- Fighting against online harassment, doxxing and revenge porn
- Fighting for equality in worship
Men’s rights activists are predominantly fighting against false accusations and female privilege which are undermining women’s rights activism. Many injustices faced by women are being swept under the rug due to men exerting their power and control.
I agree that men are facing higher suicide health and mandatory conscription against their will and these are human rights issues that need to be talked about in a fair and balanced way instead of blaming women for their problems. Men who are that concerned about paternity fraud should get a vasectomy which is much cheaper and faster and easier than a tubal ligation.
As someone who has fought harassment by power-exerting men (and their women allies) in my life, I can safely say that men’s right activists are usually worthless men who exert male supremacy, toxic masculinity and misogynistic tendencies to seem relevant in a world progressing toward gender equality.